This book aims to provide the English-speaking legal community an overview of the jurisprudence and legislative sources regarding Italian tort law in a comparative perspective. It presents a well-structured selection from the immense range of existing materials, in English, including relevant decisions and norms. The book could constitute a useful tool for teaching private comparative law at the university or “law school” level.
Il testo ha il fine di fornire ad un pubblico internazionale una panoramica della giurisprudenza e delle fonti legislative riguardanti la responsabilità extracontrattuale nell’ordinamento italiano in una prospettiva comparatistica. Viene proposta in lingua inglese una selezione ragionata tra l’immenso materiale esistente, corredata dalle principali sentenze e dalla normativa di riferimento. Il volume può costituire un utile supporto per l’insegnamento universitario del diritto privato comparato.
. Rebecca Spitzmiller has been a Lecturer in Comparative Law in the Faculty of Law at the Università degli studi Roma Tre since 2008. She taught at John Cabot University (1986-1998) and at the American University of Rome (2006-2010). She is Coordinator of Studying Law at Roma Tre, a program directed by Prof. Vincenzo Zeno-Zencovich, offering a range of legal subjects in English and access to the Dual Degree in Law at Nova Southeastern University (Florida, USA). She has authored numerous publications.
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